Earlier planted soybeans by growers in April 2020 coupled with the past year’s milder winter sets up an optimal environment for high bean leaf beetle populations this year.
Just-emerged soybeans are at the most at risk for significant feeding injury when beetle populations are high. The most critical damage occurs when bean leaf beetles destroy the cotyledons or if the growing point is severely damaged. Stands and yields may be reduced.
First planted soybean fields should be scouted to determine the presence of bean leaf beetles and the best time to check is in the afternoon between 12 and 4 p.m. by direct observation, as beetles are easy to see and count at this stage.
The bean leaf beetle usually has four rectangular spots in the center of the wing covers and a black triangle near the head.
Titan Pro has a variety of insecticides available for treating bean leaf beetle in soybeans. Contact your local Titan Pro representative for treatment thresholds and to help decide the best treatment option for your operation.