Titan Pro growers were challenged this planting season with persistent rains and cool temperatures. What does this mean for weed control in the fields?
- Expect shortened residual activity on earlier planted crops due to abundant rain
- Crops planted late happened during peak periods of weed emergence and many of these fields will require a post treatment several weeks earlier than normal
- The application window will be reduced due to the crop advancing through growth stages more quickly
- Delayed crop canopy in soybeans will make timely application of an effective post program essential
- Flower development in soybeans will still occur in the latter part of June even if they were planted late
- Registered Liberty products for soybean varieties must be applied prior to R1 growth stage. For Dicamba, refer to your state requirements.
- Glyphosate (Roundup Ready) or 2,4-D (Enlist) can be applied through the R2 growth stage