If your customers are experiencing weed escapes, you may be asking yourself: Which products are available that can control late-season weeds? And is it worth spraying those fields again?
“Fortunately, late-emerging weeds don’t pose a very big threat to yield,” says Ron Geis, Market Development Specialist, Corteva Agriscience. “However, their offspring can plague a field for several years, so preventing late-emerging weeds from seeding still benefits customers.”
The best thing to do after a postemergence application is to intensively scout fields. Encourage customers to look for disease symptoms, insect damage and, of course, weed escapes. If there are still weeds present, they may want to consider hand-spraying weeds in the field or physical weed removal to lower populations of weed seed.
If there are trouble spots, a preharvest or postharvest strategy may be needed. This also is a good planning exercise for the following year. Knowing specific weed problems and where the trouble spots are will keep your customers on the right track.
When applying herbicides early next season, remind customers to always include residual products to help manage later weed flushes and keep the total weed seedbank low.
“Growers have been seeing great postemergence residual control in corn with Resicore® herbicide and in soybeans with EverpreX® herbicide,” Geis says.
“We’re also excited about more weed control options coming down the Corteva Agriscience pipeline, such as Kyro™ herbicide, one of the newest solutions in our corn herbicide portfolio.”
Kyro is the first corn herbicide to combine the three proven modes of action of acetochlor, clopyralid and topramezone in a single premix for both postemergence and residual control of more than 65 of the toughest broadleaf and grass weeds.
Consider Fall Burndown Applications
Your customers can take action against weeds this fall with a burndown application. Burndown applications provide farmers with numerous benefits, including a more streamlined workload with fewer hours of spring work, better-prepared fields at planting and the opportunity for increased yield come next harvest.
Field management is a never-ending cycle and one that takes continuous attention and care. Weeds are always evolving, and so are the solutions to control them. By treating weed control as a year-round job, your customers can continue to be proactive against weed challenges.